Saturday, April 10, 2010

I'm a pathetic blogger...

Well I think we've established that I'm a pathetic blogger! I don't know how all you bloggers out there keep on top of your blogs! My last blog was 9 months ago and it seems like just yesterday. I'm making no promises that this will improve because I'm not sure how to improve it...but I was getting embarrased at my "9 months" since last post status:)


Shaun and Michelle Slauenwhite said...

Well, every 9 months is better than nothing!! I was shocked when I saw your name pop up at the top of my blog list!

Try making it a Saturday thing...take 5 minutes, and at least write something, if no pics are available!

Yukes said...

I can't believe it!!!
I was contemplating taking you off my list cause it had been sooooo long.

Think of it this pretty much had a baby since your last blog.

WELCOME BACK! I hope.....

Sheryl said...

Did i hear something about a "baby" on Diana's blog?

Anonymous said...

Diana darlin you have lots to blog about now! Waiting for some photos of Grammy's little angel!

Shaun and Michelle Slauenwhite said...

Diana..what happened to your blog!!!